APR-JUN 2015 Issue

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Enhancing board oversight of cyber risk: protecting the intangible

Social media and compliance risk

Corporate fraud and corruption in Africa

The hidden cost of fraud

Whistleblowing – managing risk through effective response

Whistleblowers and Brazilian law

Offshore hedge funds: does absolute power corrupt absolutely?

Market abuse and manipulation

The impact of regulatory reform on derivatives portfolio valuations in Europe

Transparency requirements for long and short positions in Germany – pull out your calculator

Board composition – latest thinking and strategies

Complexity of risk landscape demands a new approach to risk leadership

Capturing value and staying competitive with sustainable risk management

Turning your corporate narrative into a reputation risk mitigation toolbox

Relationship risk management – a key board responsibility

Evolving role of the CFO

Managing cyber threats – and why there is no such thing as ‘cyber security’

Cyber threat and the risk to physical assets

Successfully vetting forensics firms

Anti-money laundering for financial institutions

Executive perspectives on top risks in the financial services industry

Use of technology and software in Solvency II compliance programs

Introducing and applying ISO 19600 – the International Compliance Standard

New compliance expectations for companies: managing human rights-related risks

Cleaning up compliance: a programmatic approach to Medicare conditional payments

Is tunnel vision undermining your compliance program?

Rising supply chain risk raises questions about competency

US government implements historic changes to Cuba sanctions regime

Developing and managing a global customs compliance program


ADDACTIS Worldwide

American International Group, Inc. (AIG)

FTI Consulting, Inc.



RSR Partners


Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply (CIPS)

Internet Security Alliance (ISA)

Reputation Institute