You just hired a group of employees capable of bringing bright innovation, new ideas and challenging approaches that could dramatically change your company’s success. Unfortunately, the chances are good that you will fire them all within a year, and you will reward the managers responsible for getting rid of them.

Almost all companies state they seek those special individuals who have vision for what a company could be and who put the success of the company and colleagues above themselves; who will work hard to make a difference; and who believe results are the most important outcome.

Fortunately, they are out there and they want to make a difference for your company. Regrettably, you may not be able to handle them.

Imagine the following group of dream employees and what they could do for your company, (i) 89 percent believe part of their job is to make others better, including peers, staff and even leadership; (ii) 98 percent believe they should do what is right and let results speak for themselves; (iii) 75 percent would champion a good idea even if it puts them at odds with others;and (iv) 60 percent would take a cut in pay if it gave them the freedom to focus on what is most important to the company.

Jan-Mar 2017 Issue

International Center for Compassionate Organisations (ICCO)