JAN-MAR 2016 Issue

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Cyber security legislation in the US

Allying with the activists in the boardroom

CEO pay disclosure requirements

New rules concerning the clawback of incentive-based compensation for us listed companies

Address board culture to mitigate risk

Evolving role of the CEO

Key ethical challenges for leadership in 2016

German D&O policies as a deceptive package for the supervisory board?

Commodity price risk management

Achieving supply chain resilience amid increasing global risk

Supply chain accountability: new dimensions of business and legal risk

Why isn’t ERM more of a team sport at your organisation?

Belling the black swan: preparing for extreme events

The Iran nuclear deal: sanctions relief brings compliance challenges

Buy American vs. Buy America: what a  difference an ‘n’ makes

The role of the board in tackling cyber risks

Mandatory regulations for cyber security:  do they work?

Taking the risk out of the digital revolution

Three actions you can take now to prepare your programme for the Internet of Things

Software and cyber security: the new keys to corporate governance in the auto industry

Cyber attack on JPMorgan chase: hacking as a ‘business model’

Complying with European data protection legislation

Consequences and options for EU-US data transfers in the post-Schrems world

Mitigating and managing corporate fraud in the Asia Pacific region

Leniency agreements in Brazil

How to lose friends and alienate clients in e-disclosure

FATCA: the challenges of complying and the harbinger of the common reporting standard

IRS on the horizon: partnership audit reform in the United States

Top worldwide banks fail to deliver a world class mobile experience

Shareholder activism in the US banking industry


Accenture Trading, Investments & Optimization Strategy

Baker & McKenzie

Caldwell Partners


FTI Consulting, Inc.


Innisfree M&A Incorporated

Norrbom Vinding

Pay Governance LLC


Zurich Insurance Group

The Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply (CIPS)



Internet Security Alliance for Europe (ISAFE)