RC: In your experience, what is the general attitude toward corporate fraud across Latin America? How do such attitudes compare to elsewhere in the international community?
Lucy: In recent years, the trend has moved towards greater coverage, persuasion and punishment of corporate fraud. Without doubt, the confidence factor has made obvious the indicators toward situations that betray the confidence of interest groups. Before, companies in the region were more cautious in making public whether they had been victims of fraud. In the past, it was preferable not to disclose this due to the fear of reprisals or because the occurrence of these situations was considered a disgrace. The implementation of compliance systems, including anonymous whistleblowing lines and the use of social networks, has made it that these types of situations can be recognised more easily and has also given rise to investigation processes, in which auditing areas have played a major role. This type of attitude has already been compared to those at an international level and, therefore, there is no backwardness in the region. Technology has also allowed for the education and manner of implementing these report and investigation mechanisms to become more globalised, so that they are more widely known by the international corporate community.